Metro Atlanta receives an average of over 50 inches of rainfall annually, more than most other large inland cities in the U.S. While we receive a healthy amount of rainfall, metro Atlanta residents have embraced a conservation ethic, reducing our per capita consumption by over 30% since 2000,  which is well-below the consumption levels of Charlotte, Birmingham and Tallahassee.

New technologies continue to make water conservation and efficiency effective tools to meet residential and commercial water supply needs. Combining efficient technologies with conservation measures, constructing additional reservoirs and adequate access to water supplies in multiple watersheds in our region will help meet metro Atlanta’s present and future water supply needs.

      • RBC supports the continued management of our region’s water resources to meet the needs of metro Atlanta’s growing population and businesses.
      • RBC supports the continued review and update of regulations and laws, as well as sufficient funding for the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District (MNGWPD) to ensure adequate sources of clean water for metro Atlanta’s future growth and quality of life.

      • RBC supports the funding required to support on-going litigation costs in the “tri-state water wars” and to continue to seek resolution with neighboring states.

In previous years, legislation has been introduced that would have severely limited metro Atlanta’s ability to utilize permitted inter-basin transfers (IBT).  IBT’s are currently approved and used in 28 Georgia counties, benefitting approximately 1 million Georgians. IBT’s constitute less than two percent of the water used in Georgia statewide.

      • RBC supports existing state laws and regulations that protect downstream river flows when new or expanded water withdrawals occur, and the authority given to the Department of Natural Resources in the State Water Plan to review inter-basin transfer regulations when necessary.


Georgia’s current and future economic success is directly and inextricably linked to our transportation infrastructure.

      • RBC supports legislation that will grow Georgia’s electric mobility ecosystem and strengthen Georgia’s position in electrification-related manufacturing and innovation.

      • RBC supports additional flexibility in how Georgia’s local governments fund their transportation infrastructure, including transit operations and expansions

Georgia’s ports are responsible for providing nearly 500,000 jobs statewide and over $7 billion to metro Atlanta’s economy.

      • RBC supports legislation and funding, where appropriate, to support projects that increase the efficiency and capabilities of the Georgia Ports Authority, while maintaining its competitiveness.

      • RBC opposes actions that would increase costs for shippers and customers, which would erode competitiveness.

The efficient operation of transit in metro Atlanta encourages economic development and provides an alternate mode of transportation for many metro Atlanta residents. Whether metro Atlanta’s transit future consists of operating as a single transit system or multiple interconnected transit systems, the role of transit coordination is critical to metro Atlanta’s transit future.

      • RBC supports continued transit service coordination, integrated and seamless interconnections, and increased resources to address the needs of metro Atlanta transit riders, including appropriate representation of key stakeholders.

How metro Atlanta commuters travel to and from work will help determine metro Atlanta’s future ability to attract jobs externally, as well as encourage investment internally. While the automobile will remain the primary mode of transportation within the metro Atlanta region, effective transportation networks rely on diverse transportation options, both for Metro Atlanta residents and visitors.

      • RBC supports investments in alternate forms of transportation to provide metro Atlanta commuters and residents a choice of transportation modes to meet their needs.


RBC stands united in support of cleaner air and healthier communities.

      • RBC opposes rule-making or new standards imposed by regulatory agencies that would treat Georgia utilities unfairly and force energy costs higher, therefore penalizing Georgia citizens, businesses, utilities and their customers.


Business tax policy can encourage, or hinder, economic development in metro Atlanta. RBC welcomes the periodic review of tax policies to determine their continued applicability to meeting the job creation and economic development needs of metro Atlanta and all of Georgia. New economic development drivers are needed to keep Georgia competitive in the global marketplace. Whether those drivers consist of providing a more educated, work-ready labor force, access to venture capital, improving/expanding existing infrastructure, or other economic development tools, public policies need to be adopted with clearly stated goals and objectives, rather than a patchwork of investment incentives and tax breaks.

      • RBC supports tax policies, world-class communications infrastructure and other economic development tools that encourage investment in metro Atlanta and Georgia businesses, enhancing Georgia’s global competitiveness and creating more jobs for metro Atlanta and Georgia.

      • RBC opposes legislative measures that would negatively impact our business climate, are discriminatory in nature or would harm our ability to create, attract, retain and expand jobs in Georgia.
The Regional Business Coalition of Metropolitan Atlanta (RBC) is a nonpartisan not-for-profit association of 17 local Chambers of Commerce throughout the metro Atlanta region.
© Regional Business Coalition of Atlanta